CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-diffraction

%% Package `pst-diffraction.tex'
%% Manuel Luque  (France)
%% Herbert Voss (hvoss _at_ tug.org) (Germany)
%% 2024-06-29

PSTricks offers excellent macros to insert more or less complex 
graphics into a document. pstricks.tex itself is the base for several 
other additional packages, which are mostly named pst-xxxx, 
like pst-diffraction. 
Diffraction refers to various phenomena associated with wave propagation, 
such as the bending, spreading and interference of waves passing by an object 
or aperture that disrupts the wave, like rectangle, circular, or tringle

Save the files


in any place, where latex or any other TeX program will find it.

You can run the documentation with 


or for all make all  ;-) this may take some time, because
the images are very big.

If you like to get the documentation file in another format run 

latex pst-diffraction-doc.tex
bibtex pst-diffraction-doc
latex pst-diffraction-doc.tex
dvips pst-diffraction-doc.dvi

to get a PostScript file. But pay attention, that the pst-diffraction
files are saved in the above mentioned way, before you run
latex on the documentation file.

Running the files with lualatex is possible, but may take a lot of
time in fact of the heavy calculations.


Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (21.8M).

pst-diffraction – Print diffraction patterns from various apertures

The package enables the user to draw (using PSTricks) the diffraction patterns for different geometric forms of apertures for monochromatic light (using PSTricks). The aperture stops can have rectangular, circular or triangular openings. The view of the diffraction may be planar, or three-dimensional.

Options available are the dimensions of the aperture under consideration and of the particular optical setting, e.g. the radius in case of an circular opening. Moreover one can choose the wavelength of the light (the associated color will be calculated by the package).

LicensesThe Project Public License
MaintainerManuel Luque
Herbert Voß
Contained inTeX Live as pst-diffraction
MiKTeX as pst-diffraction
Graphics use
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