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Directory fonts/xits

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The XITS font project

XITS is a Times-like typeface for mathematical and scientific publishing, based
on [STIX fonts][1]. The main mission of XITS is to provide a version of STIX
fonts enhanced with the OpenType `MATH` table, making it suitable for high
quality mathematic typesetting with OpenType math-capable layout systems, like
Microsoft Office 2007+, XeTeX and LuaTeX.

XITS fonts are distributed under the [Open Font License][2], version 1.1.

[1]: https://www.stixfonts.org
[2]: https://scripts.sil.org/OFL

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (951.8k).

xits – A Scientific Times-like font with support for mathematical typesetting

XITS is a Times-like font for scientific typesetting with proper mathematical support for modern, Unicode and OpenType capable engines, namely Lua and .

For use with Lua or XeLaTeX, support is available from the fontspec and unicode-math packages.

Version1.302 2020-07-02
LicensesThe SIL Open Font License
MaintainerKhaled Hosny
Contained inTeX Live as xits
MiKTeX as xits
TopicsOTF Font
Font symbol maths
Font serif
Maths Font
See alsoasana-math
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