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Directory fonts/utilities/jfmutil



Perl: Utility to process p-extended TFM and VF

This program provides functionality to process data files (JFM and VF) that form logical fonts used in (u)p. The functions currently available include:

  • The mutual conversion between Japanese virtual fonts (pairs of VF and JFM) and files in the “ZVP format”, which is an original text format representing data in virtual fonts. This function can be seen as counterpart to vftovp/vptovf programs.
    • The mutual conversion between VF files alone and files in the “ZVP0 format”, which is a subset of the ZVP format.
    • The replication of virtual fonts with different names, where the referred TFM names in the VF will be suitably revised.


  • Perl interpreter: v5.8.1 or later.
    • The following commands from p distribution:
      • kpsewhich
        • ppltotf, ptftopl


This package is distributed under the MIT License.


This is jfmutil v1.x.x <20xx/xx/xx> by 'ZR'.
[ZRTeXtor library v1.x.x <20xx/xx/xx> by 'ZR']
* ZVP Conversion
Usage: jfmutil vf2zvp0 [<options>] <in.vf> [<out.zvp0>]
       jfmutil zvp02vf [<options>] <in.zvp0> [<out.vf>]
       jfmutil vf2zvp [<options>] <in.vf> [<in.tfm> <out.zvp>]
       jfmutil zvp2vf [<options>] <in.zvp> [<out.vf> <out.tfm>]
       jfmutil zpl2tfm [<options>] <in.zvp0> [<out.vf>]
       jfmutil tfm2zpl [<options>] <in.zvp0> [<out.vf>]
  <in.xxx>        input files
    N.B. Input TFM/VF files are searched by Kpathsea. (ZVP/ZVP9 are not.)
  <out.xxx>       output files
       --hex      output charcode in 'H' form [default]
  -o / --octal    output charcode in 'O' form
  --uptool        use upTeX tools (uppltotf etc.)
  --lenient       ignore non-fatal error on VFs
  The following options affect interpretation of 'K' form.
  --kanji=ENC     set source encoding: ENC=jis/sjis/euc/utf8/none
  --kanji-internal=ENC set internal encoding: ENC=jis/unicode/none
  -j / --jis      == --kanji=jis --kanji-internal=jis
  -u / --unicode  == --kanji=utf8 --kanji-internal=unicode
  -E / --no-encoding == --kanji=none --kanji-internal=none
* VF Replication
Usage: jfmutil vfcopy [<options>] <in.vf> <out.vf> <out_base.tfm>...
       jfmutil vfinfo [<options>] <in.vf>
       jfmutil jodel [<options>] <in.vf> <prefix>
  <in.vf>       input virtual font name
    N.B. Input TFM/VF files are searched by Kpathsea.
  <out.vf>      output virtual font name
  <out_base.tfm>  names of raw TFMs referred by the output virtual font;
                each entry replaces a font mapping in the input font in
                the given order, so the exactly same number of entries
                must be given as font mappings
  <prefix>      prefix of output font names (only for jodel)
  -z / --zero   change first fontmap id in vf to zero
  --uptex       assume input font to be for upTeX (only for jodel)
  --unicode     generate VF for 'direct-unicode' mode imposed by pxufont
                package; this option is supported only for upTeX fonts and
                thus implies '--uptex' (only for jodel)
* Common Options
  -h / --help     show this help message and exit
  -V / --version  show version

C>jfmutil –version Please refer to README-ja.md (in Japanese) for detail.

Revision History

  • Version 1.3.3 〈2021/10/09〉
    • Use ZRtor v1.8.1. The changes are:
      • Bug fix.
  • Version 1.3.2 〈2021/05/29〉
    • Use ZRtor v1.8.0. The changes are:
      • Allow VFs with no charpackets.
  • Version 1.3.1 〈2020/05/04〉
    • Now jodel uses VF of jodhminrn family.
  • Version 1.3.0 〈2020/05/03〉
    • Add --compact option for some subcommands.
      • Add compact subcommand.
        • Bug fix.
  • Version 1.2.4 〈2020/05/02〉
  • Version 1.2.3 〈2019/09/02〉
    • Bug fix.
  • Version 1.2.2 〈2019/02/09〉
    • Bug fix.
  • Version 1.2.1 〈2019/02/08〉
    • (experimental) Add jodel subcommand.
  • Version 1.2.0 〈2019/02/02〉
    • Add option --lenient.
  • Version 1.1.2 〈2018/01/21〉
    • Use ZRtor v1.5.0. The changes are:
      • Support for the recent extension of JFM format, which allows non-default character classes to contain non-BMP characters.
  • Version 1.1.1 〈2018/01/20〉
    • Bug fix.
  • Version 1.1.0 〈2017/09/16〉
    • Add subcommands vfinfo and vfcopy.
  • Version 1.0.1 〈2017/07/21〉
    • Add shebang line.
  • Version 1.0.0 〈2017/07/17〉
    • The first public version (as jfmutil).
      • ZRtor is of v1.4.0.

Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR") https://github.com/zr-tex8r

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (38.1k).

jfmutil – Utility to process p-extended TFM and VF

This program provides functionality to process data files (JFM and VF) that form logical fonts used in (u)p. The functions currently available include:

  • The mutual conversion between Japanese virtual fonts (pairs of VF and JFM) and files in the “ZVP format”, which is an original text format representing data in virtual fonts. This function can be seen as a counterpart to the vftovp/vptovf programs.
  • The mutual conversion between VF files alone and files in the “ZVP0 format”, which is a subset of the ZVP format.

LicensesMIT License
Copyright2008–2021 Takayuki YATO
MaintainerTakayuki Yato
Contained inTeX Live as jfmutil
MiKTeX as jfmutil
Font processor
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