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Directory fonts/tipa/tipa

                         TIPA version 1.3

                 Fukui Rei (fkr@l.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

                          30 March, 2004
Version 1.3 (2004/03/30):

- Some symbols included in the xipa and related font families modified.
- t3enc.def corrected (thanks to W. Lemberg).

Version 1.2 (2003/01/01):

- Some symbols added.
- Some symbols included in the xipa and related font families modified.

Version 1.1 (2002/08/08):

- Removed the indication `beta' from the package name, i.e.,
  this is the first official version 1.1.
- Documentation (tipaman, vowel) corrected and updated.
- a new command \tipasafemode (and a few others) added.
- Copyright notice based on LPPL added.

  (Font files are NOT modified in this version except for the above LPPL
  notice. You don't need to re-install fonts.)

Version 1.1 (as of 2002/01/07):

- MF sources modified.
- Makefile updated.

Version 1.1 (as of 2001/12/31):

- MF sources modified.
- 1.1 manual completed.
- added some codes for handling \sffamily for tipx and xipx series.
- Grave Macron Accent (\textgravemacron) added (thanks to Joachim Becker).

Version 1.1 (as of 2001/12/06):

- new series of fonts (tipx and xipx) added.
- T3 encoding slightly modified.

Version 1.0 (2001/10/28):

- file names `T3*.*' changed to `t3*.*'. (This should have been done
  long before!)
- t3enc.def, tipa.sty modified to be reloadable (thanks to Dominique Unruh).
- bugs fixed in t3enc.def (thanks to Peter Zimmermann).
- typos corrected in the documentation (thanks to Peter Zimmermann,
  Rafael Laboissiere, Yoshinari Fujino).
- a new t3phv.fd file (provided by Walter Schmidt).
- manual for the vowel package `vowel.tex' completed.

(TODO: Dirk Janssen provided me with an excellent package with
detailed installation documentation; many others gave me useful
suggestions but I still don't have time to incorporate all these
things into a new package. Installation section of the manual is now
obsolete and should be rewritten thoroughly in the future.)

Version beta0624 (1996/06/24):

- more symbols defined by \* macro.
- \:, \;, \! commands.
- `safe' option.
- documentation much improved.

New features (1996/06/11):

- T3enc.def and tipa.sty heavily modified.
- 17 point fonts (tipa17.mf and tipass17) and a bold font (tipab10) added.
- a series of new fonts (xipa*) and new font description files
  (T3ptm.fd and T3phv.fd), which can be used with `times.sty',  created.
- a few bugs in mf source codes corrected (character height of
  `primary stress' and `secondary stress')

New features (1996/05/12):

- T3enc.def created and all the package files are modified accordingly.
- diacritics for `extIPA', `VoQS' added.

New features (1996/04/21):

- a few diacritics added (\celtpal, \opencorner)
- an optional package for drawing vowel diagrams (vowel.sty)
- many bugs corrected, documentation improved

New features (1996/03/12):

- a tentative ligtable is added.
- tone.sty for `tone letters' added.
- a few symbols added by way of TeX macros.
- macros completely rewritten.
- more accents, and easy input method for most of the accents and diacritics.
- an introductory manual, `tipaman.tex' included. (`symblist' and
  `codelist' are now merged into this file.)

Copyright 2002 FUKUI Rei

This program may be distributed and/or modified under the
conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2
of this license or (at your option) any later version.
The latest version of this license is in
and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX 
version 1999/12/01 or later.

This program consists of all files listed in Manifest.txt.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (3.4M).

tipa – Fonts and macros for IPA phonetics characters

These fonts are considered the ‘ultimate answer’ to IPA typesetting. The encoding of these 8-bit fonts has been registered as standard encoding T3, and the set of addendum symbols as encoding TS3. ‘Times-like’ Adobe Type 1 versions are provided for both the T3 and the TS3 fonts.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2002 Fukui Rei
MaintainerFukui Rei
Contained inTeX Live as tipa
MiKTeX as tipa
Font Type1
MF Font
Font specialist
See alsowsuipa2tipa
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