CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory fonts/softmakerfreefont/veracruz

This package offers LaTeX support files for the 
Softmaker Veracruz fonts (regular + bold + italic + bold italic)
available at http://www.freefont.de in May 2008.

License: LPPL (not the fonts themselves)

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (273.7k).

softmaker-veracruz – Support files for the SoftMaker Veracruz fonts

This package offers support files for the Softmaker Veracruz fonts (regular + bold + italic + bold italic), offered (free) from SoftMaker in May 2008, but not included here.

The package requires support files from the softmakerfreefont package, which also offers further information.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2010 Josef Kleber
MaintainerJosef Kleber
TDS archiveveracruz.tds.zip
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