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Directory fonts/ps-type1/starfont

This is version 1.2 of the starfont package by Matthew Skala, containing two
public-domain astrological fonts designed by Anthony I.P. Owen, and the
appropriate macros to use them with TeX and LaTeX.



COPYING       - notice describing the public domain status of this package
README        - this documentation file
starfont.pdf  - ready-made PDF of the user manual
table.pdf     - character tables generated by testfont

Source files, preserved in case others want to reproduce my work, but not
actually needed to use the package (it is safe to delete these):

STRFNSAN.TTF  - StarFontSans, original TrueType format
STRFNSER.TTF  - StarFontSerif, original TrueType format
Makefile      - machine-readable instructions for building the package
starfont.tex  - source code for the manual

StarFontSans font in Postscript format:

starfont.afm  - metrics
starfont.pfb  - binary font outlines

StarFontSerif font in Postscript format:

strfnser.afm  - metrics
strfnser.pfb  - binary font outlines

Packaging for TeX and LaTeX:

fstr8x.tfm    - TeX metrics for StarFontSans
fsts8x.tfm    - TeX metrics for StarFontSerif
starfont.sty  - LaTeX macro package
starfont.map  - font mapping file


This may vary depending on the version of TeX you have installed; the
suggested procedure below seems to work on my Linux TeXLive 2010 system.
I'm attempting to follow the TDS for where things go, but am no expert in
that.  You may well need to modify the procedure for your own system or

The name "TEXMF" refers to the base of your TeX/Metafont installation tree;
on my system, using /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local seems to work except as

* put starfont.sty in TEXMF/tex/latex/local
* put starfont.map in TEXMF/fonts/map/local (I had to create this directory)
* put fstr8x.tfm and fsts8x.tfm in TEXMF/fonts/tfm/local
* put starfont.afm and strfnser.afm in TEXMF/fonts/afm/local
* put starfont.pfb and strfnser.pfb in TEXMF/fonts/type1/local
* put any documentation files you want to keep in TEXMF/doc/latex/starfont
* add a line saying "Map starfont.map" to TEXMF/web2c/updmap.cfg
  WARNING: This line has to be added to the updmap.cfg that your updmap
  actually reads, and it may be a file you shouldn't edit by hand.  On my
  system, I found /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf-config/web2c/updmap.cfg with
  a comment at the top explaining that the right way to add lines to it was to
  create a new file TEXMF/web2c/updmap-local.cfg containing the new lines, and then
  run "tlmgr generate updmap" .  Your installation may vary.
* run mktexlsr so TeX can find all these files.  This may have to be done as
  root (or an administrative user).
* run updmap for the appropriate scope.  On my system that means running
  "updmap-sys" as root; just running "updmap" , even as root, only updates
  the per-user config for the user I'm running it under.

Matthew Skala

29 September 2010

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (671.1k).

starfont – The StarFont Sans astrological font

The package contains StarFontSans and StarFontSerif, two public-domain astrological fonts designed by Anthony I.P. Owen, and the appropriate macros to use them with and .

The fonts are supplied both in the original TrueType Format and in Adobe Type 1 format.

LicensesPublic Domain Software
MaintainerMatthew Skala
Contained inTeX Live as starfont
MiKTeX as starfont
Font specialist
Font TTF
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