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Directory fonts/greek/yannis

Like Silvio Levy's Greek font upon which this package is based, this
font is released under the GNU GPL version 2 or any later version, with
the FSF font exception.  The other supporting files are released under
the GNU GPL version 2 or any later version.

List of files: 
accent.mf, csc_misce.mf, digits.mf, gen_acc.mf, gen_m_acc.mf, grbase.mf,
greek.mf, greekcsc.mf, it_digits.mf, it_lig.mf, it_lower.mf, lig.mf,
ligcsc.mf, lower.mf, m_accent.mf, m_greek.mf, punct.mf, scsc.mf, upper.mf,
rgrrg10.mf, rgrsl10.mf, rgrti10.mf, rgrbf10.mf, rgrsc10.mf, mrgrrg10.mf,
mrgrsl10.mf, mrgrti10.mf, mrgrbf10.mf,
greekmacros.tex, monsyl.txt, rgrhyph.tex, rgrpaper.tex, tomakeformat.txt,
                             USERS'S GUIDE
Run all the fonts with \mag:=1; Run rgrrg10 also with \mag:=.9;. Make sure
that the fonts cmssqi8 and mcyr10 are available. Same thing for tugbot.sty
and tugbot.com (version 0.5 at least). Run rgrpaper.tex (this is a NEW version 
of "Y. Haralambous, K. Thull, Typesetting modern greek with 128 character 
codes, TUGboat 10 (1989) 354-359).
Read it!
If you want to make a greek format, remove "\input hyphen.tex" from plain.tex,
and replace by the contents of tomakeformat.txt.
If you want to make the PASCAL word processor mentionned in rgrpaper, you
will find in monsyl.txt a list of monosyllabes.
That's it. If you are a satisfied user you can send me a postcard for my
collection (or perhaps some work you have done with this package), else send
me your remarks and complaints. My email is
yannis (dot) haralambous (at) telecom (dash) bretagne (dot) eu.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (122.3k).

yannisgr – Greek fonts by Yannis Haralambous

A family of 7-bit fonts with a code table designed for setting modern polytonic Greek.

The fonts are provided as source; macros to produce a Greek variant of Plain (including a hyphenation table adapted to the fonts’ code table) are provided.

Version 1992-09-27
LicensesGNU General Public License, version 2
MaintainerYannis Haralambous
Klaus Thull
Contained inTeX Live as yannisgr
MiKTeX as yannisgr
TopicsMF Font
Greek Font
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