CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory fonts/cmastro

This directory contains the cmastro fonts as collected
by Sebastian Rahtz.  No author was given in the sources.

I have changed the standard setup and added a summary page; the files
distributed by Sebastian Rahtz all start with 00.


CMASTRO is a collection of fonts containing special astronomical (and
astrological :-) symbols for the planets, sun, moon, etc.

HOW TO INSTALL (on un*x systems):

0) CMASTRO is distributed with a complete set of PK files generated
   for a 300dpi laser printer.  If you can manage with these then skip
   to 3).

1) Edit the do.sh script to suit your font format.

2) Run do.sh.  If you need more magnifications than are generated here
   then feel free to generate them...

3) Install the font metric (.tfm) files where TeX will them and the
   pixel files (usually .gf or .pk) where your DVI driver(s) will find

4) Install the macro files astro.tex and astro.sty in a place where
   TeX will find them.

5) Run plain TeX on the file cmastro.tex (typically you should execute
   the command tex cmastro).  This should produce a summary of the
   available symbols.


If anyone knows the author of the cmastro fonts then please write a
mail to <kris@diku.dk> so he/she can be properly acknowledged!

Neither Sebastian Rahtz nor myself (Kristoffer H. Rose) should be held
responsible for any consequences of any form of use (or misuse) of this

    Kristoffer H{\o}gsbro ROSE                     <kris@diku.dk>
    DIKU (TOPPS group), University of Copenhagen
    Universitetsparken 1, DK-2100 Copenhagen {\O}  (+45) 31396466

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (38.7k).

cmastro – Font for planetary symbols

The package provides a font as source (with driver files for a number of sizes), and code for using the font.

Contained inMiKTeX as cmastro
Font symbol
MF Font
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