Directory fonts/cm/mf_optimized_kerning
The files are modified versions of the METAFONT source files with the corresponding name. Modifications concern optimized values for character kerning. They have been evaluated with high resolution (> 1000 dpi) fonts. For further modifications take care, not to try to correct rounding errors at - say - 300 dpi at this place. Emphasis has been put onto character pairs that are most frequent in the English and the German language. Fonts without serifs have been widely ignored. IMPORTANT NOTE from the CTAN maintainers: As these files are changed versions of Donald E. Knuth's original CM source files, we decided to change the names. Using these files to create fonts from the Computer Modern source files without changing the names of the created fonts is a violation of Donald Knuth's stipulation on the copyright page of Computers & Typesetting, Volume E and therefore strictly forbidden. With this changes, the fonts produce quite different results on different computer systems, and they will also cause TeX to typeset your old papers with different line breaks, page breaks, overfull boxes, etc.
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (4.3k).
cm-mf-opt-kern – Improve the kerning of CM fonts
The package offers revised versions of two files, and, that appear in the METAFONT definition of the Computer Modern fonts.
Potential users should exercise caution in their use of the package; the kerning makes noticeable changes to the appearance of the output, and can cause confusion to anyone who doesn't know the fonts are non-standard.
Package | cm-mf-opt-kern |
Maintainer | Markus Pilzecker |
Topics | Font MF Font |