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Directory fonts/cfr-lm


$Id: README.md 10362 2024-09-18 08:02:52Z cfrees $ ================================================= Copyright (C) 2008-2024 Clea F. Rees.

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of version 2008-05-04 or later.

This work has the LPPL maintenance status maintained'. The Current Maintainer of this work is Clea F. Rees.

This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt.

All Font Metric files (suffix .tfm in subdirectory fonts/tfm), Virtual Fonts (suffix .vf in subdirectory fonts/vf) etc. are derived from the relevant Latin Modern fonts, version 2.004, released by GUST and available from http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/latin-modern. The TFM and VF files are derived specifically from the Adobe Font Metric (suffix .afm) and Font Metric (suffix .tfm) files supplied with the postscript type 1 version of the fonts.

The encoding t1-clm.etx is derived from the file t1.etx supplied with fontinst. A copy of fontinst including an unmodified copy of t1.etx is available from https://mirror.ctan.org/fonts/utilities/fontinst.

In version 1.6 and later, the docstrip files cfr-lm.ins, cfr-lm.dtx and cfr-lm-build.dtx are derived from skeleton.ins and skeleton.dtx, both part of of version 2.4 of Scott Pakin's dtxtut. A copy of dtxtut including unmodified copies of skeleton.dtx and skeleton ins is available from https://www.ctan.org/pkg/dtxtut and released under the LPPL.

Other attributions are included in the source of the package itself.

Selected Version History

Version 1.3 (and the unpublished 1.2) of the package benefited greatly from feedback provided by Enrico Gregorio, who essentially rewrote the style file using keyval to show me how I ought to be setting the various options up, and Lars Hellström who demonstrated considerable patience in answering my many questions about using fontinst and some peculiarities of the Latin Modern fonts.

Version 1.4 adds experimental support for microtype. While this should work fine since it basically uses the settings for Latin Modern and Computer Modern Roman, I'm far from confident about this.

Version 1.5 corrects 2 typos in the -drv.tex files (1 in each). These caused inaccuracies in two of the .fd files. Since it takes a long time to run fontinst, the .fd files have been corrected by hand in a way which should, I hope effect the same corrections as would be obtained by recreating them.

Version 1.6 (unpublished) included updates for compatibility with the (New) New Font Selection Scheme (NNFSS), which replaced, but is still officially called, the New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS) in 2020. This required an update to nfssest-cfr, which now loads either an extension of NFSS (on older kernels) or an extension of NNFSS (on newer). It also required changes to the font definition files and, hence, the drivers used to generate them. This release also removed the dependency on xkeyval and reimplemented the option processing in expl3

Verion 1.7 corrects some errors in the source, adds some convenience shorthands to the options and switches to docstrip. It also uses l3build to generate the font files using a custom build target and to tidy up the font definition files. l3build is also used to generate tables for all provided fonts and to implement regression testing (though this will not, unfortunately, pick up the likely regressions due to the 2020 changes).

A more detailed history is included in the documentation and sources.


See cfr-lm.pdf for information about installation, requirements and usage. For sparse comments on the source, see cfr-lm.pdf for the package and cfr-lm-build.pdf for the fontinst sources. Note that cfr-lm-build.pdf is completely horrible. As documentation, the kindest thing one can say about it is that it exists, whereas the source was previously not in the typeset documentaton at all. The document is so ghastly, however, that I strongly recommend reading cfr-lm-build.dtx instead. The only reason to include the PDF at all is that it contains an index of the code. Auch indexes are automatically generated with all the usual limitations consequent on that and this one is no exception. It is, however, arguably better than no index at all.

Code Repositories

Code for the support package is hosted at https://codeberg.org/cfr/nfssext For convenience, the repository is mirrored at https://github.com/cfr42/nfssext

Contact Details

Bug reports, feature requests etc. concerning the support or packaging should be filed at https://codeberg.org/cfr/nfssext/issues

If you have comments about the fonts themselves, please contact GUST.

Clea F. Rees Version 1.7 2024-09-18

================================================= vim: et:tw=80:sw=2:

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (7.5M).

cfr-lm – Enhanced support for the Latin Modern fonts

The package supports a number of features of the Latin Modern fonts which are not easily accessible via the default support provided in the official distribution. In particular, the package supports the use of the various styles of digits available, small-caps and upright italic shapes, and alternative weights and widths. It also supports variable width typewriter and the “quotation” font. Version 2.004 of the Latin Modern fonts is supported.

By default, the package uses proportional oldstyle digits and variable width typewriter but this can be changed by passing appropriate options to the package. The package also supports using (for example) different styles of digits within a document so it is possible to use proportional oldstyle digits by default, say, but tabular lining digits within a particular table.

The package requires the official Latin Modern distribution, including its support. The package relies on the availability of both the fonts themselves and the official font support files. The package also makes use of the nfssext-cfr package.

Only the T1 and TS1 encodings are supported for text fonts. The set up of fonts for mathematics is identical to that provided by Latin Modern.

LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2008–2024 Clea F. Rees
MaintainerClea F. Rees
Contained inTeX Live as cfr-lm
MiKTeX as cfr-lm
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