Suggestions for slides
The following packages have something in common with the package slides. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- classes: The source of LaTeX’s standard classes
- proc: Class for producing “proceedings”
- letter: The standard LaTeX2ε letter document class
- latex-base: Base sources of LaTeX
- minimal: A trivial class, for use when testing
- ltxdoc: Class for documented LaTeX macro files
- article: Default class for composing an article
- book: A class for typesetting books
- report: Typeset a multi-chapter report
- gridslides: Free form slides with blocks placed on a grid
- fancyslides: Custom presentation class built upon LaTeX Beamer
- hc: Replacement for the LaTeX classes
- foiltex: A LaTeX2ε class for overhead transparencies
- fancyhandout: A LaTeX class for producing nice-looking handouts
- bidipresentation: Experimental bidi presentation
- powerdot: A presentation class
- elpres: A simple class for electronic presentations
- urcls: Beamer and scrlttr2 classes and styles for the University of Regensburg
- beamer: A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides
- latex-base-dev: Development pre-release of the LaTeX kernel
- guitbeamer: Beamer-based class for GuIT presentations
- beamerswitch: Convenient mode selection in Beamer documents
- slidenotes: Typeset slides accompanied by notes
- beamer-rl: Right to left presentation with beamer and babel
- anima: Create slideshows with simple animations
- makeidx: Standard LaTeX package for creating indexes
- exscale: Implements scaling of the 'cmex' fonts
- fontenc: Standard package for selecting font encodings
- alltt: Everything in tt font, but obey commands and line endings
- latexrelease: LaTeX release emulation
- shortvrb: Abbreviated verbatim commands