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fancyhandout – A class for producing nice-looking handouts

This package breaks with some of ’s principles and redefines basic commands with the aim of producing well-designed and clearly structured handouts: A sans-serif font is used by default; sections are not numbered, but highlighted by underlining; head- and footline display document information; and in order to avoid too much whitespace around the text the margin sizes are adjusted to smaller values.

All in all, fancyhandout provides a means of typesetting documents not exclusively consisting of running text in a beautiful way.

fancyhandout depends on the following other packages: csquotes, enumitem, etoolbox, fancyhdr, geometry, and xcolor.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/sfr682k/fancyhandout/issues
Version 2018-01-22
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2017–2018 Sebastian Friedl
MaintainerSebastian Friedl
Contained inTeX Live as fancyhandout
MiKTeX as fancyhandout

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