Suggestions for slidenotes
The following packages have something in common with the package slidenotes. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- gmdoc: Documentation of LaTeX packages
- nlctdoc: Package documentation class
- tkz-doc: Documentation macros for the TKZ series of packages
- bfh-ci: Corporate Design for Bern University of Applied Sciences
- tuda-ci: LaTeX templates of Technische Universität Darmstadt
- gridslides: Free form slides with blocks placed on a grid
- fancyslides: Custom presentation class built upon LaTeX Beamer
- hc: Replacement for the LaTeX classes
- foiltex: A LaTeX2ε class for overhead transparencies
- fancyhandout: A LaTeX class for producing nice-looking handouts
- lectures: A document class for quickly drafting nice looking lecture notes
- powerdot: A presentation class
- beamer: A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides
- elpres: A simple class for electronic presentations
- urcls: Beamer and scrlttr2 classes and styles for the University of Regensburg
- tclldoc: Doc/docstrip for tcl
- ydoc: Macros for documentation of LaTeX classes and packages
- cnltx: LaTeX tools and documenting facilities
- skdoc: Documentation and extraction for packages and document classes
- ltxdoc: Class for documented LaTeX macro files
- beamertools: A collection of programming tools for beamer
- slides: Class for creating slides
- beamerswitch: Convenient mode selection in Beamer documents
- notebeamer: A template for printing presentations on notepaper
- guitbeamer: Beamer-based class for GuIT presentations
- anima: Create slideshows with simple animations
- bidipresentation: Experimental bidi presentation
- makedoc: Preprocessing documentation with TeX
- compsci: Document (LaTeX) programming with LaTeX
- colordoc: Coloured syntax highlights in documentation
- docmfp: Document non-LaTeX code