Suggestions for pxrubrica
The following packages have something in common with the package pxrubrica. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- jlreq: Japanese document class based on requirements for Japanese text layout
- pxbase: Tools for use with (u)pLaTeX
- zxjatype: Standard conforming typesetting of Japanese, for XeLaTeX
- pxtatescale: Patch to graphics driver for scaling in vertical direction of pTeX
- uplatex: pLaTeX2ε and miscellaneous macros for upTeX
- jsclasses: Classes tailored for use with Japanese
- platex-tools: pLaTeX standard tools bundle
- platex: pLaTeX2ε and miscellaneous macros for pTeX
- pxchfon: Japanese font setup for pLaTeX and upLaTeX
- pxjahyper: Hyperref support for pLaTeX
- pxcjkcat: LaTeX interface for the CJK category codes of upTeX
- japanese-otf-uptex: Support for Japanese OTF files in upLaTeX
- japanese-otf: Advanced font selection for platex and its friends
- isonums: Display numbers in maths mode according to ISO 31-0
- mpdinbrief: An enhanced version of dinbrief
- ean13isbn: Print EAN13 for ISBN
- plautopatch: Automated patches for pLaTeX/upLaTeX
- pxufont: Emulate non-Unicode Japanese fonts using Unicode fonts
- dinbrief: German letter DIN style
- isomath: Mathematics style for science and technology
- apa7: Format documents in APA style (7th edition)
- tudscr: Corporate Design of Technische Universität Dresden
- uwa-pcf: A Participant Consent Form (PCF) for a human research protocol at the University of Western Australia
- uwa-pif: A Participant Information Form (PIF) for a human research protocol at the University of Western Australia
- uwa-letterhead: The letterhead of the University of Western Australia
- amnestyreport: A LaTeX class for Amnesty International
- ut-thesis: University of Toronto thesis style
- ufrgscca: A bundle for undergraduate students final work/report (tcc) at UFRGS/EE
- srdp-mathematik: Typeset Austrian SRDP in mathematics
- abntexto: LaTeX class for formatting academic papers in ABNT standards
- kdpcover: Covers for books published by Kindle Direct Publishing