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pxufont – Emulate non-Unicode Japanese fonts using Unicode fonts

The set of the Japanese logical fonts (JFMs) that are used as standard fonts in p and up contains both Unicode JFMs and non-Unicode JFMs. This bundle provides an alternative set of non-Unicode JFMs that are tied to the virtual fonts (VFs) that refer to the glyphs in the Unicode JFMs. Moreover it provides a package that redefines the NFSS settings of the Japanese fonts of (u)p so that the new set of non-Unicode JFMs will be employed. As a whole, this bundle allows users to dispense with the mapping setup on non-Unicode JFMs.

Such a setup is useful in particular when users want to use OpenType fonts (such as Source Han Serif) that have a glyph encoding different from Adobe-Japan1, because mapping setups from non-Unicode JFMs to such physical fonts are difficult to prepare.

Version0.7 2023-07-07
LicensesMIT License
Copyright2017–2023 Takayuki YATO
MaintainerTakayuki Yato
Contained inTeX Live as pxufont
MiKTeX as pxufont
TopicsCJK Font
Font use

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