Suggestions for perfectcut
The following packages have something in common with the package perfectcut. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- phfparen: Parenthetic math expressions made simpler and less redundant
- interval: Format mathematical intervals, ensuring proper spacing
- dynbrackets: Commands to simplify the syntax of dynamic math brackets
- ibrackets: Intelligent brackets
- membranecomputing: Membrane Computing notation
- enparen: Consistent nested brackets
- longmath: Nested delimiter groups extending over multiple array cells or lines
- acmart: Class for typesetting publications of ACM
- embrac: Upright brackets in emphasised text
- maybeload: Prevent reloading of files
- stmaryrd: St Mary Road symbols for theoretical computer science
- colonequals: Colon equals symbols
- csassignments: A wrapper for article with macros and customizations for computer science assignments
- csthm: Customized theorem environments for computer science documents
- mpostinl: Embed METAPOST figures within LaTeX documents
- mathfont: Use TrueType and OpenType fonts in math mode
- termmenu: The package provides support for terminal-based menus using expl3
- bitpattern: Typeset bit pattern diagrams
- bitfield: Draw bit field data structure diagrams (obsolete)
- register: Typeset programmable elements in digital hardware (registers)
- bytefield: Create illustrations for network protocol specifications
- codesection: Provides an environment that may be conditionally included
- lsc: Typesetting Live Sequence Charts
- optional: Facilitate optional printing of parts of a document
- semantic: Help for writing programming language semantics
- version: Conditionally include text
- versions: Optionally omit pieces of text
- eqnnumwarn: Modifies the amsmath equation environments to warn for a displaced equation number
- renditions: Multiple versions from the same content
- comment: Selectively include/exclude portions of text
- conditext: Define and manage conditional content