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longmath – Nested delimiter groups extending over multiple array cells or lines

This package provides yet another solution to some well known typesetting problems solved in a variety of ways: multi line formulas with paired and nested delimiters. It tackles the problem at the Lua level, which has some advantages over solutions implemented in . In particular, the code need not be executed multiple times, and there is no interference between grouping and the nesting of delimiter groups.

As a byproduct, delimiters can be scaled in various ways, inner delimiters come in different flavours like relational and binary operators, punctuation symbols etc., and outer delimiters can be selected automatically according to the nesting level. Last but not least, delimiter groups can even extend across several array cells or across the whole document.

A special environment is provided as well, which allows multi line expressions to be placed inside a displayed equation and make do the line splitting and alignment.

Version1.0 2024-07-04
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2024 Hans-Jürgen Matschull
MaintainerHans-Jürgen Matschull
Contained inTeX Live as longmath
MiKTeX as longmath
TopicsParentheses management

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