Suggestions for luaplot
The following packages have something in common with the package luaplot. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- luamesh: Computes and draws 2D Delaunay triangulation
- bezierplot: Approximate smooth function graphs with cubic bezier splines for use with TikZ or METAPOST
- tkz-euclide: Tools for drawing Euclidean geometry
- mpchess: Drawing chess boards and positions with METAPOST
- luamplib: Use LuaTeX’s built-in METAPOST interpreter
- tikz-feynman: Feynman diagrams with TikZ
- minim-mp: Low-level mplib integration for LuaTeX
- wordcloud: Drawing wordclouds with METAPOST and Lua
- pgfmolbio: Draw graphs typically found in molecular biology texts
- mp-geom2d: Flat geometry with METAPOST
- domaincoloring: Draw colored represenations of complex functions
- feynmf: Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams
- mp-neuralnetwork: Drawing artificial neural networks with METAPOST and METAOBJ
- tkz-linknodes: Link nodes in mathematical environments
- euromoney: Vectorial coins and banknotes in euro, with stacking option
- logoetalab: Insert Licence Etalab 2.0 logo
- hershey-mp: METAPOST support for the Hershey font file format
- metapost-colorbrewer: An implementation of the colours for METAPOST
- tzplot: Plot graphs with TikZ abbreviations
- tkz-grapheur: A LaTeX package with tools for graph plotting (and TikZ)
- byrne: This package provides a set of tools to typeset geometric proofs in the style of Oliver Byrne's 1847 ed. of Euclid's "Elements"
- emoji: Emoji support in (Lua)LaTeX
- tikz-osci: Produce oscilloscope “screen shots”
- emojicite: Add emojis to citations
- mfpic4ode: Macros to draw direction fields and solutions of ODEs
- mp3d: 3D animations
- pixelart: Draw pixel-art pictures
- luatikz: A 2D graphics library to draw TikZ graphics using the Lua programming language
- suanpan: METAPOST macros for drawing Chinese and Japanese abaci
- metauml: METAPOST library for typesetting UML diagrams
- metago: METAPOST output of Go positions