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bezierplot – Approximate smooth function graphs with cubic bezier splines for use with TikZ or

This package consists of a Lua program as well as a (Lua) .sty file.

Given a smooth function, bezierplot returns a smooth bezier path written in TikZ notation (which also matches ) that approximates the graph of the function. For polynomial functions of degree ≤ 3 and their inverses the approximation is exact (up to numeric precision).

bezierplot also finds special points such as extreme points and inflection points and reduces the number of used points.

Version1.6 2024-11-02
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2018–2024 Linus Romer
MaintainerLinus Romer
Contained inTeX Live as bezierplot
MiKTeX as bezierplot
TopicsGraphics plot function
Graphics plot
Use Lua

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