Suggestions for dbshow
The following packages have something in common with the package dbshow. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- datatool: Tools to load and manipulate data
- csvsimple: Simple CSV file processing
- diadia: Package to keep a diabetes diary
- swimgraf: Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances
- tokenizer: A tokenizer
- ktv-texdata: Extract subsets of documents
- diabetes-logbook: A logbook for people with type one diabetes
- csvtools: Reading data from CSV files
- context-inifile: An ini-file pretty-printer, using ConTeXt
- fontscale: A flexible interface for setting font sizes
- jsonparse: Parse, store and access JSON data in LaTeX documents
- pst-plot: Plot data using PSTricks
- commalists-tools: Manipulate numeral comma separated lists
- qms: VMS tools for controlling QMS printers
- maybemath: Make math bold or italic according to context
- slemph: Slanted emphasis in LaTeX
- typeface: Select a balanced set of fonts
- scalefnt: Rescale fonts to arbitrary sizes
- bxnewfont: Enhanced \newfont command
- nfssext-cfr: Extensions to the LaTeX NFSS
- adrlist: Using address lists in LaTeX
- mattex: Import Matlab values to LaTeX documents
- datax: Import individual data from script files
- coollist: Manipulate COntent Oriented LaTeX Lists
- bitset: Handle bit-vector datatype
- readarray: Read, store and recall array-formatted data
- dynamicnumber: Dynamically typeset numbers and values in LaTeX through “symbolic links”
- latex2pydata: Write data to file in Python literal format
- cachepic: Convert document fragments into graphics
- pawpict: Using graphics from PAW
- tsemlines: Support for the ancient \emline macro