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datatool – Tools to load and manipulate data

The tools comprise six packages:

  • datatool.sty: databases may be created using commands or by importing external files; they may be sorted numerically or alphabetically; repetitive operations (such as mail merging) may be performed on each row of a database, subject to conditions to exclude particular rows; commands are provided to examine database elements, and to convert formats (for example, to convert a numeric element to a format compatible with the fp package;
  • datapie.sty: a database may be represented as a pie chart; flexible options allow colouring of the chart, and annotation hooks are available;
  • dataplot.sty: a database may be represented as a 2-dimensional scatter or line plot; flexible options control of the plot's overall appearance, and of legends and other extra information;
  • databar.sty: a database may be represented as a bar chart; overall appearance, colouring and annotation are controllable;
  • datagidx.sty: provides a way of indexing or creating glossaries/lists of acronyms that uses to do the sorting and collating instead of using an external indexing application, such as xindy or makeindex;
  • databib.sty: a bibliography may be loaded into a datatool database, and manipulated there before being printed (this permits a -based route to printing bibliographies in formats for which no style is available); and
  • person.sty: provides support for displaying a person’s name and pronoun in a document, thus avoiding cumbersome use of “he/she”, etc.

The drawing packages make use of PGF/TikZ for their output.

The bundle supersedes and replaces the author’s csvtools bundle.

Version2.32 2019-09-27
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2009, 2013–2019 Nicola Talbot
MaintainerNicola Talbot
TDS archivedatatool.tds.zip
Contained inTeX Live as datatool
MiKTeX as datatool
TopicsData manipulation
Data import
Data display

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (2.7M).

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