Suggestions for bidipresentation
The following packages have something in common with the package bidipresentation. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- bidi: Bidirectional typesetting in plain TeX and LaTeX, using XeTeX
- bidi-atbegshi: Bidi-aware shipout macros
- unicode-bidi: Experimental unicode bidi package for XeTeX
- beamer-rl: Right to left presentation with beamer and babel
- bidihl: Experimental bidi-aware text highlighting
- bidishadowtext: Bidi-aware shadow text
- bidipagegrid: Bidi-aware page grid in background
- facture: Generate an invoice
- xepersian: Persian for LaTeX, using XeTeX
- cqubeamer: LaTeX Beamer Template for Chongqing University
- slides: Class for creating slides
- thesis-qom: Thesis style of the University of Qom, Iran
- hithesis: Harbin Institute of Technology Thesis Template
- hfutthesis: LaTeX Thesis Template for Hefei University of Technology
- buctthesis: Beijing University of Chemical Technology Thesis Template
- arabic-book: An Arabic book class
- businesscard-qrcode: Business cards with QR-Code
- nanicolle: Typesetting herbarium specimen labels
- tabriz-thesis: A template for the University of Tabriz
- yazd-thesis: A template for the Yazd University
- xduts: Xidian University TeX Suite
- fribidixetex: A pre-processor for XeTeX files to support unicode bidirectional algorithm
- sexam: Package for typesetting arabic exam scripts
- resumecls: Typeset a resume both in English and Chinese
- bhcexam: An exam class for mathematics teachers in China
- gridslides: Free form slides with blocks placed on a grid
- fancyslides: Custom presentation class built upon LaTeX Beamer
- hc: Replacement for the LaTeX classes
- foiltex: A LaTeX2ε class for overhead transparencies
- fancyhandout: A LaTeX class for producing nice-looking handouts
- lectures: A document class for quickly drafting nice looking lecture notes