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topiclongtable – Extend longtable with cells that merge hierarchically

This package extends longtable implementing cells that:

  • merge with the one above if it has the same content,
  • do not merge with the one above unless the ones on the left are merged,
  • are well behaved with respect to longtable chunking on page breaks,
  • and automatically draw the correct separation lines.

The typical use case is a table spanning multiple pages that contains a list of hierarchically organized topics (hence the package name).

The package depends on array, expl3, longtable, multirow, xparse, and zref-abspage.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/paolobrasolin/topiclongtable/issues
Version1.3.2 2020-04-12
LicensesMIT License
Copyright2017–2020 Paolo Brasolin
MaintainerPaolo Brasolin
Contained inTeX Live as topiclongtable
MiKTeX as topiclongtable
TopicsExperimental 3
Table long

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