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pdfreview – Annotate PDF files with margin notes

This package lets you add comments in the page margins of PDF files, e.g. when reviewing manuscripts or grading reports. The PDF file to be annotated is included, one page at a time, as graphics, in a manner similar to the pdfpages package. Notes are placed in the margin next to the included graphics using a grid of help lines. Alternatively, only numbers are placed in the page margins, and the notes are collected into a numbered list at the end of the document.

Note that this package is not intended for adding notes directly to the source of the document that is being reviewed; instead, the document undergoing review is already in PDF format and remains unchanged. Also note that this package does not produce the usual PDF “sticky notes” that must be opened by clicking on them; instead, the notes are simply shown as text.

This package depends on the following other package: adjustbox, calc, geometry, graphicx, grffile, ifthen, kvoptions, tikz, ulem, and xstring.

Version1.2 2019-02-22
LicensesThe Project Public License
MaintainerMichael Palmer
Contained inTeX Live as pdfreview
MiKTeX as pdfreview
TopicsGraphics include

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