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moremath – Additional commands for typesetting maths

This package provides several document level commands to ease typesetting of maths with .

This package provides complementary commands to all operators defined by amsmath which typeset the operators together with delimiters (which can be scaled manually, automatically or not at all). These commands also accept optional sub- and superscripts.

Additionally, this package provides several commands to typeset gradient, divergence, curl, Laplace, and d’Alembert operators. Those commands also accept an optional subscript and their appearance can be modified using key-value options.

Furthermore several commands for producing row and column vectors, as well as (anti-)diagonal matrices and identity matrices, utilizing mathtoolsmatrix* family of environments, are provided.

Most of the document level commands defined by this package can also be disabled using a package load-time option to avoid clashes with commands defined by other packages.

The package depends on mathtools, bm (optional), and amssymb.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/Mister00X/moremath/issues
Version0.5.0 2024-08-20
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2024 Marcel Ilg
MaintainerMarcel Ilg
Contained inTeX Live as moremath
MiKTeX as moremath
TopicsExperimental 3

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