logicpuzzle – Typeset (grid-based) logic puzzles
The package allows the user to typeset various logic puzzles. At the moment the following puzzles are supported:
- 2D-Sudoku (aka Magiequadrat, Diagon, …),
- Battleship (aka Bimaru, Marinespiel, Batalla Naval, …),
- Bokkusu (aka Kakurasu, Feldersummenrätsel, …),
- Bridges (akak Brückenbau, Hashi, …),
- Chaos Sudoku,
- Four Winds (aka Eminent Domain, Lichtstrahl, …),
- Hakyuu (aka Seismic, Ripple Effect, …),
- Hitori,
- Kakuro,
- Kendoku (aka Mathdoku, Calcudoku, Basic, MiniPlu, Ken Ken, Square Wisdom, Sukendo, Caldoku, …,
- Killer Sudoku (aka Samunapure, Sum Number Place, Sumdoku, Gebietssummen, …),
- Laser Beam (aka Laserstrahl, …),
- Magic Labyrinth (aka Magic Spiral, Magisches Labyrinth, …),
- Magnets (aka Magnetplatte, Magnetfeld, …),
- Masyu (aka Mashi, {White|Black} Pearls, …),
- Minesweeper (aka Minensuche, …),
- Nonogram (aka Griddlers, Hanjie, Tsunami, Logic Art, Logimage, …),
- Number Link (aka Alphabet Link, Arukone, Buchstabenbund, …),
- Resuko,
- Schatzsuche,
- Skyline (aka Skycrapers, Wolkenkratzer, Hochhäuser, …), including Skyline Sudoku and Skyline Sudoku (N*N) variants,
- Slitherlink (aka Fences, Number Line, Dotty Dilemma, Sli-Lin, Takegaki, Great Wall of China, Loop the Loop, Rundweg, Gartenzaun, …),
- Star Battle (aka Sternenschlacht, …),
- Stars and Arrows (aka Sternenhimmel, …),
- Sudoku,
- Sun and Moon (aka Sternenhaufen, Munraito, …),
- Tents and Trees (aka Zeltlager, Zeltplatz, Camping, …), and
- Tunnel.
Sources | /graphics/pgf/contrib/logicpuzzle |
Documentation | |
Repository | https://bitbucket.org/kleberj/logicpuzzle/ |
Version | 2.5 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 |
Copyright | 2013–2014 Josef Kleber |
Maintainer | Josef Kleber |
TDS archive | logicpuzzle.tds.zip |
Contained in | TeX Live as logicpuzzle MiKTeX as logicpuzzle |
Topics | PGF TikZ Games |
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- 2014-06-17 CTAN Update: logicpuzzle
- 2013-06-12 CTAN update: logicpuzzle
- 2013-06-03 CTAN update: logicpuzzle
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