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l3experimental – Experimental 3 concepts

The l3experimental packages are a collection of experimental implementations for aspects of the 3 kernel, dealing with higher-level ideas such as the Designer Interface. Some of them work as stand alone packages, providing new functionality, and can be used on top of with no changes to the existing kernel.

The present release includes:

  • l3benchmark for measuring the time taken by to run certain code;
  • l3draw, a code-level interface for constructing drawings;
  • l3graphics, an interfaces for the inclusion of graphics files;
  • l3opacity, support for opacity in PDF output;
  • l3str, support for string manipulation;
  • xcoffins, which allows the alignment of boxes using a series of ‘handle’ positions, supplementing the simple reference point;
  • xgalley, which controls boxes receiving text for typesetting.

Home pagehttps://www.latex-project.org
Version 2024-03-14
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright1998–2004, 2008–2012, 2014–2024 The 3 Project
MaintainerThe Project Team
TDS archivel3experimental.tds.zip
Contained inTeX Live as l3experimental
MiKTeX as l3experimental
Macro support
Pre release
See alsol3packages

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