CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Packages J

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Banner
version of tiles in the style of Slavik Jablan.
Graphical frontend to manage databases.
A class for submissions to the proceedings of conferences on JACoW.org.
Macros supporting Jade DSSSL output.
Expanded Times Roman fonts.
Compiling basic math formulas in Japanese using Lua.
Advanced font selection for platex and its friends.
Support for Japanese OTF files in up.
style for American Meteorological Society (AMS).
style for American Meteorological Society (AMS).
A 'standard' thesis class.
A file manager written in Java.
Documenting source code.
DVI viewer and printer coded in Java.
Small Mik-editor for Win32 Intel platform.
Add buttons to a PDF to easily get and post web content.
A Java implementation of .
style for biology journals.
Managing citations in format.
style file for J. Comp. Chem.
Modified 2.09 article and report styles.
Build a jeopardy game in .
Package (or only fontspec config files) support for the OpenType font JetBrains.
Macros to insert playing cards.
Convert JFlap file into a file depicting the automaton using TikZ.
Utility to process p-extended TFM and VF.
Font maps and configuration tools for Japanese fonts.
Class for JHEP.
UnofficiaL style for citing Japanese articles in IEEE format.
Draw jigsaw pieces with TikZ.
A class to construct Jeopardy-like games.
Macros for mathematics that make the code more readable.
Miscellaneous packages by Joerg Knappen.
Document class for formatting a thesis.
Make letter-sized pages of labels.
Jörg's Mode - an advanced mode for Jed.
Japanese document class based on requirements for Japanese text layout.
Multi-weight Japanese font support for the jlreq class.
A Java interface to Ghostscript to convert PDF to PDF/X.
style for the Journal of Theoretical Biology.
Class files for the Journal of Machine Learning Research.
A package for compositional delimiter sizing.
style for the Journal of Neuroscience.
Exam class for Jinan University.
Compile differently based on the filename.
Join boxes vertically or horizontally.
Josefin fonts with support.
Cover letter for journal submissions.
A template for journal rebuttal letters.
User documentation for the AMS- macro collection.
JPEG to PostScript converter for OS/2.
Vector graphics application with support for flowfram.sty.
style for the Journal of Physiology.
A graphical editor generating commands.
Enumerative expressions in Japanese education.
Mathematical equation representation in Japanese education.
Document Class for Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.
Journal of Quality Technology format.
Miscellaneous macros from Joachim Schrod.
Classes tailored for use with Japanese.
Creation and management of university course material.
Parse, store and access JSON data in documents.
An ASCII file spelling checker.
style for Journal of Theoretical Biology.
style for Journal of Theoretical Biology.
Articles with teasers and continuation later on.
A TrueType and OpenType font family for mediaevalists.
A TrueType variable font family for mediaevalists.
Include whole or partial Jupyter notebooks in documents.
A document class for German legal texts.
Abbreviations for typesetting (German) juridical documents.
Extended citation support for the humanities and legal texts.
Typesetting German juridical documents.
Citations of judgements and official documents in (German) juridical documents.
JustFontIt Edition.
A replacement for 's verbatim package.
A personal class for writing journals.
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