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New on CTAN: edmaths

Date: August 21, 2024 5:52:06 PM CEST
Josh Fogg submitted the edmaths package. Version: 0.98 License: lppl1.3c Summary description: A report and thesis class file for the University of Edinburgh (UoE) Announcement text:
The University of Edinburgh's School of Mathematics has internally maintained a LaTeX document template since around 2007, which was initially written by Thomas Köppe. It provides an easy way to implement the university's typesetting rules (page margins, fonts, etc) for undergraduate and postgraduate reports and thesis. This was recently updated by current PhD students and staff to reflect the current regulations and fix many long standing bugs. This updated release has also been cleared for public distribution by the university, so we share it with you all here.
This package is located at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/edmaths More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/edmaths
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edmaths – A report and thesis class file for the University of Edinburgh (UoE)

A report and thesis class file for The School of Mathematics, Scotland at the University of Edinburgh (UoE). When working on a report or thesis, an easy way to implement the University's typesetting rules in is provided by edmaths.sty. It sets the page margins as required and defines commands to create the correct cover page and standard declaration. A compiled version of the included example can be found here.

It also loads the amsmath, amsthm, amscd, and amssymb packages, which are required by almost all mathematical publications. Through setspace line spacing settings are available that only affect the body text and not footnotes and captions. Additional in-built options can be found in more detail in the project's documentation.

Copyright2024 Josh Fogg
MaintainerJosh Fogg



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