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CTAN Update: schemata

Date: December 4, 2020 8:30:55 AM CET
Charles P. Schaum submitted an update to the schemata package. Version: 1.3 2020-12-02 License: lppl1.3 Summary description: Print topical diagrams Announcement text:
This release fixes a format detection bug and supports a broader range of building and testing choices.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/schemata The package’s files themselves can be inspected at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/generic/schemata/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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schemata – Print topical diagrams

The package facilitates the creation of “topical schemata”, i.e. outlines that use braces (or facsimiles thereof) to illustrate the breakdown of concepts and categories in Scholastic thought from late medieval and early modern periods.

Version1.4 2021-02-27
Copyright2021 Charles P. Schaum
MaintainerCharles P. Schaum



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