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CTAN update: markdown

Date: November 2, 2024 8:40:39 AM CET
Vít Starý Novotný submitted an update to the markdown package. Version: 3.8.0-0-ga4bab835 2024-10-31 License: lppl1.3c Summary description: Converting and rendering markdown documents inside TeX Announcement text:
Development: - Add support for versioned themes and add new Lua option `experimental`. (#466, #512, #514, [matrix.org][matrix-514] reviewed by @TeXhackse, #521) The option `experimental` enables experimental features that are planned to be the new default in the next major release of the Markdown package. At the moment, this just means that the version `experimental` of the theme `witiko/markdown/defaults` will be loaded and warnings for hard-deprecated features will become errors. However, the effects may extend to other areas in the future as well. [matrix-514]: https://matrix.to/#/!UeAwznpYwwsinVTetR:matrix.org/$TTc-m7B5NSdsLBNNyIuFWQ-u2nOZ03lJ5js88hnyFiU?via=matrix.org&via=im.f3l.de - Add first-class support for YAML documents. (#452, #473, #524) - Add plain TeX macros `\yamlSetup`, `\yamlInput`, `\yamlBegin`, and `\yamlEnd`. - Add LaTeX environment `yaml` and redefine command `\yamlInput` for LaTeX. - Add ConTeXt commands `\setupyaml`, `\inputyaml`, `\startyaml`, and `\stopyaml`. Documentation: - Document LaTeX hooks. (#464, #507) Defaults: - Improve the compatibility of the default LaTeX packages with PDF tagging: (#466, #512, #514, #521, reported and consulted by @u-fischer) - In TeX engines other than LuaTeX, use the package soul instead of the package soulutf8 in TeX Live ≥ 2023. - In LuaLaTeX, use the package lua-ul for strike-through/mark renderer prototypes instead of the package soul. - Use the package enumitem for tight and fancy lists instead of the package paralist. This is a breaking change that is marked as experimental. To enable it, either use the package option `experimental` or specify any test phase in the document metadata: 1. `\usepackage[experimental]{markdown}` 2. `\DocumentMetadata{testphase=phase-III}` - Define LaTeX renderers for image identifiers. (#520, suggested by @jurf, 6f3dcd0c, 478530f, [matrix.org][matrix-520]) This establishes a reliable method for authors to reference figures within Markdown: ``` tex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[link_attributes, relative_references]{markdown} \begin{document} \begin{markdown} ![example image](example-image "An example image"){#example-image-id} See Figure <#example-image-id>. \end{markdown} \end{document} ``` - Set correct category codes for version 3 of the package minted. (39980934) Continuous Integration: - Only use self-hosted runners for the quick CI in pull requests. For full CI outside pull requests, use GitHub-hosted runners. (c2697428, [matrix.org][matrix-950e8269]) [matrix-950e8269]: https://matrix.to/#/!pznomuvubVyxElflTe:matrix.org/$op_onsRdhtXJsZB5d5LZrOFF75T02XvKehmikdoucx4?via=matrix.org&via=im.f3l.de [matrix-520]: https://matrix.to/#/!lWGKeMcpgwGHpfLYkf:matrix.org/$mZB-_YfreLFSKU5eDzp0AIvMnsV_Bn-rpUoj9HtUVwk?via=matrix.org&via=im.f3l.de
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/markdown The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/generic/markdown/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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markdown – Converting and rendering markdown documents inside

The package provides facilities for the conversion of markdown markup to plain . These are provided both in form of a Lua module and in form of plain , , and Cont macro packages that enable the direct inclusion of markdown documents inside documents.

Version3.9.1-0-g92254dfb 2024-12-17
Copyright2009–2016 John MacFarlane, Hans Hagen
2016–2024 Vít Starý Novotný, Andrej Genčur
MaintainerVít Starý Novotný



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