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CTAN update: mitthesis

Date: January 19, 2025 5:48:59 PM CET
John H. Lienhard submitted an update to the mitthesis package. Version: 1.18 2025-01-17 License: mit Summary description: A LaTeX template for an MIT thesis Announcement text:
The mitthesis class formats an MIT thesis or dissertation according to the current requirements of the MIT Libraries. This template is appropriate for MIT theses of all types. This class was new in 2023, and it is a complete replacement for the original mitthesis.cls written in the 1980s. This update includes various coding changes to accommodate tagged pdf, mainly around the title and abstract pages. The tabbing environment on the title page is replaced by a tabular environment. Depending on which additional packages are used, mitthesis documents generated with LuaLaTeX can be compatible with PDF2/UA-2 (well-tagged PDF as validated by the Arlington model and the veraPDF demo service); the sample cover pages and documentation are included as UA-2. Minor changes to the documentation and journal reference formats are also included.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/mitthesis The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/mitthesis/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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mitthesis – A template for an MIT thesis

This class provides a template for an MIT thesis or dissertation formatted according to the requirements of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries (as posted in 2023): https://libraries.mit.edu/distinctive-collections/thesis-specs/

This template is appropriate for an MIT thesis or MIT dissertation of any type.

This template works with either pdf or unicode engines such as Lua.

The bibliography can be prepared with either biblatex (default) or natbib/bibtex.

The class is based on current distributions, ideally 11/2022 or later, but compatible with distributions back to 2020.

This template replaces the older version of mitthesis.cls, which was first composed in the 1980s.

Version1.19 2025-01-28
Copyright2024–2025 John Lienhard
MaintainerJohn H. Lienhard



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