CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

New CTAN package: SQL

Date: March 7, 2002 6:36:23 PM CET
A new package has been installed on tug.ctan.org. It should make its way through the mirroring process in the next day or two. Thanks for the upload, Jim Hefferon ftpmaint at tug.ctan.org ============================================================ The following information was provided by our fellow contributor. Name of contribution: SQLTeX Author's name: Oscar van Eijk Location on CTAN: support/SQLTeX Summary description: An SQL Preprocessor for LaTeX License type: lppl Announcement text given by the contribution's author: - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SQLTeX is a well documented preprocessor to enable the use of SQL statements in LaTeX . It is a perl script that reads an input file containing the LaTeX source with SQL commands, and writes a LaTeX file that can be processed with your LaTeX package. The SQL commands will be replaced by their values. It's possible to select a single field for substitution substitution in your LaTeX document, or to be used as input in another SQL command. When an SQL command returns multiple fields and or rows, the values can only be used for substitution in the document. This version only supports MySQL databases. It has been tested on Linux, but should work an all platforms where Perl is installed. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------

SQL – An SQL Preprocessor for

SQL is a preprocessor that enables the use of SQL statements in . The SQL perl script reads an input file containing the source with SQL commands, and writes a file in which the SQL commands have been replaced by the values from their execution. It is possible to select a field for substitution in your document, or to be used as input in another SQL command. (When an SQL command returns multiple fields and/or rows, the values can only be used within the document.)

The default is to use MySQL databases, but Pg, Sybase, Oracle, Ingres, mSQL and PostgreSQL are also supported.

Version3.0 2024-09-20
Copyright2001–2024 Oscar van Eijk
MaintainerOscar van Eijk



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