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CTAN update: beamertheme-gotham

Date: February 13, 2025 3:33:17 PM CET
Romain NOËL submitted an update to the beamertheme-gotham package. Version number: 1.2.1.c 2025-02-12 License type: lppl1.3c cc-by-sa-4 Summary description: A versatile and extendable beamer theme based on Metropolis Announcement text:
# [Gotham](https://gitlab.com/RomainNOEL/beamertheme-gotham) announcement The `Gotham` package is a modern, minimal-ish, versatile and extendable theme for your `Beamer` presentations using `LaTeX(3)`. `Gotham` tries to bring higher flexibility thanks to `LaTeX3` implementation on top of the good-looking `Metropolis` theme. ## Version: 1.2.1.c Date: 2025-02-11 ### Fixes - spacing vertical and horizontal between subsections toc. - spacing vertical for sections with `gotham bullet` toc leading to an error with `minted` package ([https://gitlab.com/RomainNOEL/beamertheme-gotham/-/issues/4]). - use of `minted` instead of `listings` for code highlighting in examples. ### News - add `\partpageOptions`, `\sectionpageOptions`, `\subsectionpageOptions`, `\subsubsectionpageOptions` controlling the frame options of parts and sections pages... - add `\partpageTocOptions`, `\sectionpageTocOptions`, `\subsectionpageTocOptions`, `\subsubsectionpageTocOptions` controlling the frame options of the table of contents for parts and sections... - add `\partTocOptions`, `\sectionTocOptions`, `\subsectionTocOptions`, `\subsubsectionTocOptions` controlling the options of table of contents for parts and sections...
This package is located at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/beamer-contrib/themes/beamertheme-gotham More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/beamertheme-gotham
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Erik Braun
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beamertheme-gotham – A versatile and extendable beamer theme based on Metropolis

This package provides a modern, minimal-ish, versatile and extendable yet robust Beamer theme using 3 with some gathered or borrowed lines of code.

It uses the l3build system to both build and verify (Test-Driven Development) the delivered code.

“Gotham” tries to bring higher flexibility thanks to 3 implementation on top of the good-looking Metropolis theme.

Version1.2.1.c 2025-02-12
Copyright2023–2025 Romain NOËL
MaintainerRomain NOËL



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