Suggestions for verifica
The following packages have something in common with the package verifica. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- exesheet: Typesetting exercise or exam sheets
- worksheet: Easy creation of worksheets
- mi-solns: Extract solutions from exercises and quizzes
- xsim: eXercise Sheets IMproved
- eq-save: Save exerquiz quizzes and resume
- exsheets: Create exercise sheets and exams
- exerquiz: Environments for defining exercises and quizzes
- exframe: Framework for exercise problems
- verifiche: A LaTeX package to typeset (Italian) high school tests
- exam: Package for typesetting exam scripts
- exercisebank: Creating and managing exercises, and reusing them as composed sets
- exercisesheets: Typeset exercise sheets for university courses and school classes
- schooldocs: Various layout styles for school documents
- brandeis-problemset: Document class for COSI Problem sets at Brandeis University (Waltham, MA)
- mluexercise: Exercises/homework at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
- exercise: Typeset exercises, problems, etc. and their answers
- exam-lite: Quicker preparation of exams in LaTeX
- cesenaexam: A class file to typeset exams
- examdesign: LaTeX class for typesetting exams
- exams: Typeset exam questions
- bangorexam: Typeset an examination at Bangor University
- examz: Randomized exams with multiple versions
- jnuexam: Exam class for Jinan University
- eq-pin2corr: Add PIN security to the “Correct” button of a quiz created by exerquiz
- seu-ml-assign: Southeast University Machine Learning Assignment template
- tiet-question-paper: A LaTeX question paper class for the TIET
- pbsheet: Problem sheet class
- probsoln: Generate problem sheets and their solution sheets
- uebungsblatt: A LaTeX class for writing exercise sheets
- answers: Setting questions (or exercises) and answers
- exercisepoints: A LaTeX package to count exercises and points