Suggestions for tex-gyre
The following packages have something in common with the package tex-gyre. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- tex-gyre-heros: A font family that extends URW Nimbus Sans L
- qualitype: The QualiType font collection
- tex-gyre-chorus: A font that extends URW Chancery L
- tex-gyre-adventor: A font family that extends URW Gothic L
- tex-gyre-termes: A font family that extends URW Nimbus Roman
- tex-gyre-bonum: A font family that extends URW Bookman L
- lm: Latin modern fonts in outline formats
- tex-gyre-math: Maths fonts to match tex-gyre text fonts
- inriafonts: Inria fonts with LaTeX support
- alegreya: Alegreya fonts with LaTeX support
- tex-gyre-pagella: A font family that extends URW Palladio L
- tex-gyre-schola: A font that extends URW Century Schoolbook L
- plex-otf: Support for the OpenType font IBM Plex
- tex-gyre-cursor: A font that extends URW Nimbus Mono L
- roboto: Support for the Roboto family of fonts
- cm-unicode: Computer Modern Unicode font family
- cyrillic-modern: Slightly modified computer modern fonts with Cyrillics
- kpfonts-otf: OTF version of the Kp-fonts
- bera: Bera fonts
- tex-gyre-math-bonum: Maths fonts to match TeX Gyre Bonum
- tex-gyre-math-dejavu: Maths fonts to match TeX Gyre Dejavu
- tex-gyre-math-pagella: Maths fonts to match the tex-gyre-pagella text font
- tex-gyre-math-schola: Maths fonts to match TeX Gyre Schola
- tex-gyre-math-termes: Maths fonts to match TeX Gyre Termes
- librefranklin: LaTeX support for the Libre-Franklin family of fonts
- sourcesanspro: Use SourceSansPro with TeX(-alike) systems
- libertinus-fonts: The Libertinus font family
- ebgaramond: LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts
- mfb-oldstyle: MFB Oldstyle serif fonts
- cooperhewitt: LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX support for the Cooper Hewitt family of sans serif fonts
- sourceserifpro: Use SourceSerifPro with TeX(-alike) systems