Suggestions for tango
The following packages have something in common with the package tango. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- lectures: A document class for quickly drafting nice looking lecture notes
- schule: Support for teachers at German schools
- neoschool: LaTeX class for teachers
- profcollege: A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in college
- profmaquette: Use exercises in different types of documents
- calculatoritems: Insert menus/items for classic calculators
- exesheet: Typesetting exercise or exam sheets
- schulmathematik: Commands and document classes for German-speaking teachers of mathematics and physics
- proflycee: A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in high school
- luamathalign: More flexible alignment in amsmath environments
- luasseq: Drawing spectral sequences in LuaLaTeX
- luacas: A computer algebra system for users of LuaLaTeX
- truthtable: Automatically generate truth tables for given variables and statements
- luamaths: Provide standard mathematical operations inside LaTeX documents using Lua
- luatruthtable: Generate truth tables of boolean values in LuaLaTeX
- luaset: Set Operations inside LaTeX documents using Lua
- luagcd: Computation of gcd of integers inside LaTeX using Lua
- luanumint: Numerical integration using Lua inside LaTeX documents
- lualinalg: A linear algebra package for LuaLaTeX
- luamml: Automatically generate MathML from LuaLaTeX math mode material
- sympycalc: Work with SymPy and PyLuaTeX
- innerscript: Small modifications to math formatting
- courseoutline: Prepare university course outlines
- sesstime: Session and timing information in lecture notes
- fascicules: Create mathematical manuals for schools
- wallcalendar: A wall calendar class with custom layouts
- hu-berlin-bundle: LaTeX classes for the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- beamer-rl: Right to left presentation with beamer and babel
- novel: Class for printing fiction, such as novels
- pdfarticle: Class for pdf publications
- lualatex-math: Fixes for mathematics-related LuaLaTeX issues