Suggestions for sugconf
The following packages have something in common with the package sugconf. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- rub-kunstgeschichte: A class for the art history institute at Ruhr University Bochum
- kdpcover: Covers for books published by Kindle Direct Publishing
- hindawi-latex-template: A LaTeX template for authors of the Hindawi journals
- unigrazpub: LaTeX templates for University of Graz Library Publishing Services
- fei: Class for academic works at FEI University Center — Brazil
- bjfuthesis: A thesis class for Beijing Forestry University
- bfh-ci: Corporate Design for Bern University of Applied Sciences
- thuthesis: Thesis template for Tsinghua University
- msu-thesis: Class for Michigan State University Master’s and PhD theses
- bmstu-iu8: A class for IU8 reports
- tuda-ci: LaTeX templates of Technische Universität Darmstadt
- apa7: Format documents in APA style (7th edition)
- oup-authoring-template: A general template for journals published by Oxford University Press (OUP)
- mnras: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
- sfee: A LaTeX class for the Smart Factory and Energy Efficence magazine of the Tecnológico
- els-cas-templates: Elsevier updated LaTeX templates
- lni: Official class for the “Lecture Notes in Informatics”
- dinbrief: German letter DIN style
- tudscr: Corporate Design of Technische Universität Dresden
- amnestyreport: A LaTeX class for Amnesty International
- ut-thesis: University of Toronto thesis style
- abntexto: LaTeX class for formatting academic papers in ABNT standards
- cjs-rcs-article: Article class for The Canadian Journal of Statistics
- isonums: Display numbers in maths mode according to ISO 31-0
- mpdinbrief: An enhanced version of dinbrief
- ean13isbn: Print EAN13 for ISBN
- uwa-pcf: A Participant Consent Form (PCF) for a human research protocol at the University of Western Australia
- uwa-pif: A Participant Information Form (PIF) for a human research protocol at the University of Western Australia
- bmstu: A LaTeX class for Bauman Moscow State Technical University
- metanorma: Write Metanorma standardization documents using LaTe
- uantwerpendocs: Course texts, master theses, and exams in University of Antwerp style