Suggestions for songproj
The following packages have something in common with the package songproj. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- verse: Aids for typesetting simple verse
- metrix: Typeset metric marks for Latin text
- gmverse: A package for typesetting (short) poems
- poetry: Facilities for typesetting poetry and poetical structure
- poetrytex: Typeset anthologies of poetry
- liederbuch: A LaTeX package for storing songs or other content, and repeated reuse in documents
- altverse: Typesetting verse
- handoutwithnotes: Create Handouts with notes from your LaTeX beamer presentation
- recorder-fingering: Package to display recorder fingering diagrams
- beamertheme-gotham: A versatile and extendable beamer theme based on Metropolis
- exercisesheets: Typeset exercise sheets for university courses and school classes
- musixguit: Easy notation for guitar music, in MusixTeX
- piano: Typeset a basic 2-octave piano diagram
- octave: Typeset musical pitches with octave designations
- xpiano: An extension of the piano package
- harmony: Typeset harmony symbols, etc., for musicology
- bfh-ci: Corporate Design for Bern University of Applied Sciences
- songbook: Package for typesetting song lyrics and chord books
- abc: Support ABC music notation in LaTeX
- gtrcrd: Add chords to lyrics
- musuos: Typeset papers for the department of music, Osnabrück
- guitar: Guitar chords and song texts
- guitartabs: A class for drawing guitar tablatures easily
- leadsheets: Typesetting leadsheets and songbooks
- contracard: Generate calling cards for dances
- guitarchordschemes: Guitar Chord and Scale Tablatures
- musical: Typeset (musical) theatre scripts
- songs: Produce song books for church or fellowship
- prosper: LaTeX class for high quality slides
- handout: Create handout for auditors of a talk
- texpower: Create dynamic online presentations with LaTeX