Suggestions for smartmn
The following packages have something in common with the package smartmn. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- jknappen: Miscellaneous packages by Joerg Knappen
- greekctr: Represent counters by letters of the Greek alphabet
- holtpolt: Typeset Maxwell's non-commutative division
- parboxx: Two extra alignment options for \parbox
- semtrans: Transliteration of semitic languages
- sgmlcmpt: Suppport for LaTeX formulae as SGML PCDATA
- tccompat: Provide compatibility names for textcomp.sty
- latin1jk: Inputenc encoding for verbatim ISO 8859-1 use
- latin3jk: Inputenc encoding for verbatim ISO 8859-3 use
- latin2jk: Inputenc encoding for verbatim ISO 8859-2 use
- mathbbol: Use the bbold fonts in mathematics
- sans: Exchange Roman and Sans faces in a document
- young: Young tableaux
- mathrsfs: Support for using RSFS fonts in maths
- copyrightbox: Provide copyright notices for images in a document
- manuscript: Emulate look of a document typed on a typewriter
- decimal: LaTeX package for the English raised decimal point
- eqell: Sympathetically spaced ellipsis after punctuation
- emarks: Named mark registers with e-TeX
- foreign: Systematic treatment of ‘foreign’ words in documents
- lips: Text ellipses in LaTeX
- nolbreaks: No line breaks in text
- titles: Titles of books, articles, etc. in LaTeX
- thinsp: A stretchable \thinspace for LaTeX
- underscore: Control the behaviour of "_" in text
- xellipsis: Extremely configurable ellipses with formats for various style manuals
- extdash: A range of dash commands for compound words
- subscript: Provides the \textsubscript command
- impnattypo: Support typography of l’Imprimerie Nationale Française
- titlecaps: Setting rich-text input into Titling Caps
- bxorigcapt: To retain the original caption names when using Babel