Suggestions for rterface
The following packages have something in common with the package rterface. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- statistics: Compute and typeset statistics tables and graphics
- statrep: Displays SAS code and results of running the code
- statex: Statistics style
- statex2: Statistics style
- econometrics: Defines some commands that simplify mathematic notation in economic and econometric writing
- statmath: A LaTeX package for simple use of statistical notation
- pythontex: Run Python from within a document, typesetting the results
- python: Embed Python code in LaTeX
- sympytex: Include symbolic computation (using sympy) in documents
- perltex: Define LaTeX macros in terms of Perl code
- medstarbeamer: Beamer document class for MedStar Health Research Institute
- includernw: Include .Rnw inside .tex
- sasnrdisplay: Typeset SAS or R code or output
- hybrid-latex: Allow active Python code in LaTeX documents
- epspdfconversion: On-the-fly conversion of EPS to PDF
- autopdf: Conversion of graphics to pdfLaTeX-compatible formats
- nucleardata: Provides data about atomic nuclides for documents
- latexalpha2: Embed Mathematica code and plots into LaTeX
- pythonimmediate: Library to run Python code
- checklistings: Pass verbatim contents through a compiler and reincorporate the resulting output
- pynotebook: pynotebook presents (raw, Markdown or Python) codes (and execution with LuaLaTeX) as in a Jupyter Notebook
- runcode: Execute foreign source code and embed the result in the pdf file
- sagetex: Embed Sage code and plots into LaTeX
- epstopdf-pkg: Call epstopdf "on the fly"
- texsurgery: A LaTeX companion to the “texsurgery” python project
- pyluatex: Execute Python code on the fly in your LaTeX documents
- sympycalc: Work with SymPy and PyLuaTeX
- tikz-bayesnet: Draw Bayesian networks, graphical models and directed factor graphs
- tikzviolinplots: Draws violin plots from data
- figput: Create interactive figures in LaTeX
- pdftricks2: Use PSTricks in pdfTeX