Suggestions for pst-moire
The following packages have something in common with the package pst-moire. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- pst-light3d: Three dimensional lighting effects (PSTricks)
- pst-marble: A PSTricks package to draw marble-like patterns
- pst-pad: Draw simple attachment systems with PSTricks
- pst-electricfield: Draw electric field and equipotential lines with PSTricks
- pst-lsystem: Create images based on a L-system
- pst-pulley: Plot pulleys, using PSTricks
- pst-fractal: Draw fractal sets using PSTricks
- pst-eucl: Euclidian geometry with PSTricks
- pst-vehicle: A PSTricks package for rolling vehicles on graphs of mathematical functions
- pst-osci: Oscgons with PSTricks
- pst-geometrictools: A PSTricks package to draw geometric tools
- pst-mirror: Images on a spherical mirror
- pst-diffraction: Print diffraction patterns from various apertures
- pst-coil: A PSTricks package for coils, etc
- pst-vue3d: Draw perspective views of three dimensional objects
- pst-stru: Civil engineering diagrams, using PSTricks
- pst-labo: Draw objects for Chemistry laboratories
- pst-func: PSTricks package for plotting mathematical functions
- pst-rubans: Draw three-dimensional ribbons
- pst-antiprism: A PSTricks related package which draws an antiprism
- pst-spinner: Drawing a fidget spinner
- pst-tools: PSTricks support functions
- pst-turtle: Commands for “turtle operations”
- pst-soroban: Draw a Soroban using PSTricks
- pst-dbicons: Support for drawing ER diagrams
- pst-abspos: Put objects at an absolute position
- pst-asr: Typeset autosegmental representations for linguists
- pst-am: Simulation of modulation and demodulation
- pst-grad: Filling with colour gradients, using PSTricks
- pst-poly: Polygons with PSTricks
- pst-exa: Typeset PSTricks examples, with code