Suggestions for pb-diagram
The following packages have something in common with the package pb-diagram. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- diagmac2: Diagram macros, using pict2e
- diagmac: A diagram drawing package
- amscdx: Enhanced commutative diagrams
- ams-cd: AMSTeX Commutative Diagrams for LaTeX
- amscd: AMS-LaTeX commutative diagrams
- borceux: Diagram macros by François Borceux
- dcpic: Commutative diagrams in a LaTeX and TeX documents
- diagxy: Diagram macros by Michael Barr
- taylor: Macros for category-theoretic diagrams
- arrow: Eplain macros for commutative diagrams
- kuvio: Drawing macros and fonts for diagrams
- xymatrix: Commutative diagrams using XY-pic
- commutative-diagrams: CoDi: Commutative Diagrams for TeX
- quiver: Draw commutative diagrams exported from
- tikz-cd: Create commutative diagrams with TikZ
- bondgraph: Create bond graph figures in LaTeX documents
- chronosys: Drawing time-line diagrams
- digiconfigs: Writing "configurations"
- knittingpattern: Create knitting patterns
- logpap: Generate logarithmic graph paper with LaTeX
- ditaa: Use ditaa diagrams within LaTeX documents
- prisma-flow-diagram: This package provides an abstraction for creating PRISMA 2009 flow diagrams in LaTeX
- nassflow: Drawing Nassi-Shneiderman diagrams and flowcharts
- syntax2: Creation of syntax diagrams
- carbohydrates: Carbohydrate molecules with chemfig
- bondgraphs: Draws bond graphs in LaTeX, using PGF/TikZ
- chemarrow: Arrows for use in chemistry
- eltex: Simple circuit diagrams in LaTeX picture mode
- rtsched: Draw Real-Time scheduling (GANTT) charts
- sfg: Draw signal flow graphs
- syntax-mdw: Typeset syntax descriptions