Suggestions for pagesel
The following packages have something in common with the package pagesel. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- selectp: Select pages to be output
- bxpapersize: Synchronize output paper size with layout paper size
- gentombow: Generate Japanese-style crop marks
- selectpage: Select pages to be output from a document
- modular: Relative section headings for modular documents
- import: Establish input relative to a directory
- vhistory: Support for creating a change log
- phfsvnwatermark: Watermarks with version control information from SVN
- rcsinfo: Support for the revision control system
- rcs: Use RCS (revision control system) tags in LaTeX documents
- svninfo: Typeset Subversion keywords
- svn: Typeset Subversion keywords
- gitver: Get the current git hash of a project and typeset it in the document
- rcs-multi: Typeset RCS version control in multiple-file documents
- svn-multi: Subversion keywords in multi-file LaTeX documents
- svn-prov: Subversion variants of \Provides... macros
- gitlog: Typesetting git changelogs
- gitinfo2: Access metadata from the git distributed version control system
- gitinfo: Access metadata from the git distributed version control system
- latexgit: A LaTeX git wrapper
- changelog: Typesetting style changelogs
- romanbarpagenumber: Typesetting roman page numbers
- notespages: Filling documents with notes pages and notes areas
- evenpage: Ensure that the total number of pages is even
- fwlw: Get first and last words of a page
- nopageno: No page numbers in LaTeX documents
- nonumonpart: Prevent page numbers on part pages
- pagecont: Page numbering that continues between documents
- romanneg: Roman page numbers negative
- thumb: Thumb marks in documents
- thumbs: Create thumb indexes