Suggestions for NTS-L
The following packages have something in common with the package NTS-L. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- texline: A TeX-based magazine
- uktex: The UK TeX digest
- texhax: Digests of a general TeX mailing list
- tex-implementors: Entries from the tex-implementors mailing list
- ntsfaq: Frequently answered questions about TeX extension
- ttn: TeX and TUG news archive
- hyphenex: US English hyphenation exceptions file
- dante-book-reviews: Book reviews published in DANTE's journal
- tex-mag: An on-line TeX magazine
- tugboat-toc: An accumulation of TUGboat tables of contents
- nts: New Typesetting System
- translation-enumitem-de: Enumitem documentation, in German
- asciilist: Environments AsciiList and AsciiDocList for prototyping nested lists in LaTeX
- paralist: Enumerate and itemize within paragraphs
- shortlst: Compact lists by running several items per line
- multenum: Multi-column enumerated lists
- hlist: Horizontal and columned lists
- randomlist: Deal with database, loop, and random in order to build personalized exercises
- eqlist: Description lists with equal indentation
- outline: List environment for making outlines
- revnum: Reverse enumerate
- desclist: Extended “description” lists
- enumerate: Enumerate with redefinable labels
- etaremune: Reverse-counting enumerate environment
- engrec: Enumerate with lower- or uppercase Greek letters
- tasks: Horizontally columned lists
- iitem: Multiple level of lists in one list-like environment
- outlines: Produce "outline" lists
- sitem: Save the optional argument of \item
- labels4easylist: Add reference labels to easylist items
- easylist: Lists using a single active character