Suggestions for nccfloats
The following packages have something in common with the package nccfloats. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- float: Improved interface for floating objects
- hep-float: Convenience package for float placement
- extdash: A range of dash commands for compound words
- ncccomma: Use comma as decimal separator in mathematics
- mboxfill: Fill free space with a pattern
- nccboxes: Elaborate box commands
- nccstretch: Insert a stretch between each token of a string
- nccparskip: Modify skips between paragraphs
- watermark: Draw “watermarks” on the output page
- nccfoots: User-generated footnote marks
- nccrules: Compose dashed lines
- nccsect: A re-implementation of sections, captions and tocs
- topsection: An un-numbered top level section
- tocenter: Centring (and other) Page Layout
- textarea: Control the text area dynamically
- manyfoot: Adds footnote levels to standard LaTeX’s footnote mechanism
- ncctools: A collection of general packages for LaTeX
- nccmath: Extended mathematics capabilities
- phffullpagefigure: Figures which fill up a whole page
- dblfloatfix: Fixes for twocolumn floats
- dpfloat: Support for double-page floats
- floatrow: Modifying the layout of floats
- here: Emulation of obsolete package for "here" floats
- nonfloat: Non-floating table and figure captions
- photo: A float environment for photographs
- rotfloat: Rotate floats
- trivfloat: Quick float definitions in LaTeX
- topfloat: Move floats to the top of the page
- endfloat: Move floats to the end, leaving markers where they belong
- fewerfloatpages: Reduce the number of unnecessary float pages
- floatrowbytocbasic: An enhancement to package floatrow using package tocbasic