Suggestions for mpostinl
The following packages have something in common with the package mpostinl. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- gmp: Enable integration between METAPOST pictures and LaTeX
- hershey-mp: METAPOST support for the Hershey font file format
- metapost-colorbrewer: An implementation of the colours for METAPOST
- mparrows: METAPOST module with different types of arrow heads
- graphviz: Write graphviz (dot+neato) inline in LaTeX documents
- dottex: Use dot code in LaTeX
- egplot: Encapsulate Gnuplot sources in LaTeX documents
- esk: Package to encapsulate Sketch files in LaTeX sources
- emp: "Encapsulate" METAPOST figures in a document
- fmp: Include Functional METAPOST in LaTeX
- feynmp-auto: Automatic processing of feynmp graphics
- latexalpha2: Embed Mathematica code and plots into LaTeX
- gnuplottex: Embed Gnuplot commands in LaTeX documents
- mpgraphics: Process and display METAPOST figures inline
- inline-images: Inline images in base64 encoding
- testeq: An equality test for use in METAPOST
- sagetex: Embed Sage code and plots into LaTeX
- texsurgery: A LaTeX companion to the “texsurgery” python project
- perfectcut: Nested delimiters that consistently grow regardless of the contents
- context-gnuplot: Inclusion of Gnuplot graphs in ConTeXt
- metatex: Incorporate METAFONT pictures in TeX source
- feynmf: Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams
- maybeload: Prevent reloading of files
- eqnnumwarn: Modifies the amsmath equation environments to warn for a displaced equation number
- warning: Global warnings at the end of the logfile
- mp-geom2d: Flat geometry with METAPOST
- mpedit: METAPOST text editor for Win32
- minim-mp: Low-level mplib integration for LuaTeX
- drawstack: Draw execution stacks
- graphicscache: Cache includegraphics calls
- mp3d: 3D animations