Suggestions for logic
The following packages have something in common with the package logic. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- bguq: Improved quantifier stroke for Begriffsschrift packages
- logix: Supplement to the Unicode math symbols
- loggates: A small font for logic gates, and LaTeX support
- circuit-macros: M4 macros for electric circuit diagrams
- emf: Support for the EMF symbol
- logicproof: Box proofs for propositional and predicate logic
- lkproof: LK Proof figure macros
- syllogism: Typeset syllogisms in LaTeX
- tikz-timing: Easy generation of timing diagrams as TikZ pictures
- pinoutikz: Draw chip pinouts with TikZ
- tikzquads: A few shapes designed to be used with CircuiTikZ
- circuitikz: Draw electrical networks with TikZ
- begriff: Typeset Begriffschrift
- frege: Typeset fregean Begriffsschrift
- gfnotation: Typeset Gottlob Frege's notation in plain TeX
- gene-logic: Typeset logic formulae, etc
- tikz-inet: Draw interaction nets with TikZ
- ptolemaicastronomy: Diagrams of sphere models for variably strict conditionals (Lewis counterfactuals)
- turnstile: Typeset the (logic) turnstile notation
- grundgesetze: Typeset Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
- synproof: Easy drawing of syntactic proofs
- truthtable: Automatically generate truth tables for given variables and statements
- luatruthtable: Generate truth tables of boolean values in LuaLaTeX
- fitch: LaTeX macros for Fitch-style natural deduction
- temporal-logic: Symbols for Temporal Logics
- egpeirce: Draw existential graphs invented by Charles S. Peirce
- prooftrees: Forest-based proof trees (symbolic logic)
- tikzdotncross: Marking coordinates and crossing paths
- ptex-fonts: Fonts for use with pTeX
- uptex-fonts: Fonts for use with upTeX
- fonts-churchslavonic: Fonts for typesetting in Church Slavonic language