Suggestions for identkey
The following packages have something in common with the package identkey. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- gotoh: An implementation of the Gotoh sequence alignment algorithm
- bracketkey: Produce bracketed identification keys
- biocon: Typesetting biological species names
- biokey: Flexible identification key tables in LaTeX
- dichokey: Construct dichotomous identification keys
- edichokey: Typeset dichotomous identification keys
- biolist: List observed species
- classif2: Biological classification tables
- nanicolle: Typesetting herbarium specimen labels
- development: BibTeX style file for the journal Development
- fbs: BibTeX style for Frontiers in Bioscience
- humanbio: Bibliography style for "Human Biology"
- zootaxa-bst: A BibTeX style for the journal Zootaxa
- biolett-bst: A BibTeX style for the journal “Biology Letters”
- was: A collection of small packages by Walter Schmidt
- upgreek: Upright Greek letters
- url: Verbatim with URL-sensitive line breaks
- texments: Using the Pygments highlighter in LaTeX
- nath: Natural mathematics notation
- prosper: LaTeX class for high quality slides
- subfloat: Sub-numbering for figures and tables
- alnumsec: Alphanumeric section numbering
- docmute: Input files ignoring LaTeX preamble, etc
- sudoku: Create sudoku grids
- morehype: Hypertext tools for use with LaTeX
- brclc: Support 16-bit (double) calculations in LaTeX
- nicetext: Minimal markup for simple text (Wikipedia style) and documentation
- handout: Create handout for auditors of a talk
- balance: Balanced two-column mode
- sciposter: Make posters of ISO A3 size and larger
- bondgraph: Create bond graph figures in LaTeX documents