Suggestions for hep-reference
The following packages have something in common with the package hep-reference. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- latex2e-reference: A reference for LaTeX in HTML
- hep: A "convenience wrapper" for High Energy Physics packages
- hep-float: Convenience package for float placement
- hep-acronym: An acronym extension for glossaries
- hep-paper: Publications in High Energy Physics
- hep-graphic: Extensions for graphics, plots and feynman graphs in high energy physics
- hep-title: Extensions for the title page
- hep-math: Extended math macros
- hep-text: List and text extensions
- hep-bibliography: An acronym extension for glossaries
- autonum: Automatic equation references
- crossreference: Crossreferences within documents
- deleq: Flexible numbering of equations
- fancyref: A LaTeX package for fancy cross-referencing
- issuulinks: Produce external links instead of internal ones
- modref: Customisation of cross-references in LaTeX
- numberedblock: Print a block of code, with unique index number
- philex: Cross references for named and numbered environments
- saferef: Safer references through strong typing of references
- titleref: A "\titleref" command to cross-reference section titles
- typedref: Eliminate errors by enforcing the types of labels
- totpages: Count pages in a document, and report last page number
- prettyref: Make label references "self-identify"
- termlist: Label any kind of term with a continuous counter
- fancylabel: Complex labelling with LaTeX
- refenums: Define named items and provide back-references with that name
- chemsec: Automated creation of numeric entity labels
- inlinelabel: Assign equation numbers to inline equations
- bibleref: Format bible citations
- crossreftools: Expandable extraction of cleveref data
- cleveref: Intelligent cross-referencing